The childrensbibleaudios's Podcast

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Sunday Jul 15, 2018

This tells all the Bible has on this mysterious man, Melchizedek. Then it goes on to show how Christ is a priest -after the order of Melchizedeck- and some of what that means, making comparisons between the two and showing that, though similar, that Christ is much the superior. At the end of the PDF is a short chart that shows these comparisons. It's short, only 20 minutes. Of course, the Gospel is given. Children -6-12 years old- and adults will enjoy this.

Sunday Jun 10, 2018

This tells the exciting story of how a Bedouin shepherd boy found the Dead Sea Scrolls while looking for a lost goat. Then I tell how very important this find is, how it shows that God's Word hasn't changed in over 2000 years -- we can trust the Bible. The Isaiah Scroll is used to present the Gospel. For children 4 - 10, but I've been told by adults that they enjoyed it, as well. This is part of my Children's Apologetic Series which includes -The Master Builder-, -Jesus as Prophesied in the Old Testament-, -A Gospel Treasure Hunt-, -Kids, God Made Marriage--, -Gravity, George Washington, and God-, and -Miracles, Butterflies, - Resurrection-.

Sunday Apr 22, 2018

The story of Miriam, the sister of the great Moses- The Bible doesn't tell us a lot about Miriam, but what it does tell is very interesting. This covers what is known about her from when she was a little girl watching her baby brother in a basket in the river through her song after the crossing of the Red Sea, her jealousy of her younger brother in the wilderness and its consequences, until her death at a ripe old age. Of course, the Gospel is included.

Tuesday Mar 06, 2018

Tells the exciting story of the first Passover. Then it shows how it was a picture-prophecy of Jesus, our Passover Lamb. Also includes the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Firstfruits -the Resurrection--. Of course, this includes the Gospel. For children 5-12, though adults have also enjoyed my audios. The PDF has the text not only of the audio, but also has 2 charts, one showing -at a glance- the comparison between Passover and Jesus, and the other giving the Biblical references.

Sunday Feb 11, 2018

This has all that the Bible tells us about Philip who was both a Deacon and an Evangelist. It includes his being guided by the Holy Spirit to witness to the traveling Ethiopian official. There isn't a lot, but it is interesting- Of course, the Gospel is included. For children 4-10 years old, though adults may also enjoy it.

Sunday Jun 04, 2017

These are exciting stories of Jonathan -King Saul's son-, showing his courage, his trust in the Lord, and his loyal friendship to David. Includes the Gospel. Told for children 4-10 years of age, though adults may also enjoy it.

Sunday Apr 09, 2017

This is a video in which I talk while making a timeline of the Bible, step by step. I've taught this timeline to my own children, to a children's Sunday School, and to two different women's Sunday School classes. I myself have found it extremely helpful in remembering the chronology of the Bible and in being able to -place- people and events into the Bible history. It is 31 minutes long and should be of interest -and understandable- to children about 7 years old and older and also to adults. It presents a 6,000 history of earth, but if you disagree with this, this video could still be used from Abraham on. This is a topic which I avoid on my audios, so parents who hold other views will feel comfortable playing them for their children. But with a timeline, naturally, I had to give my view of time- Of course, the Gospel is included. The PDF includes a completed color timeline at the end.

Sunday Jan 22, 2017

This 10-minute video follows Genesis 1 and shows the days of Creation one at a time using colored sketches. I show a simple pattern in the days that helps in memorization. Strictly Bible. I've used this format and pictures in teaching my own children as well as both children's and women's Sunday School classes. There is also a PDF, and under -photos- or -album- on my page you can find the key pictures which you may use if you wish in your own teaching. Includes the Gospel at the end. For ages 4-10, though adults can also use this as a good review.

Sunday Jan 08, 2017

The story of Samson from the prophesy of his birth until his dramatic death. I point out that God can even use our faults for good, but still, it's best that we should try to be good- The Gospel is given. For ages 5-11, though adults may also enjoy it.

Sunday Oct 16, 2016

This is the exciting story of the judge, Ehud, and how he delivered -saved- the children of Israel from Eglon, king of Moab. Includes the very short story of Shamgar as well. For children 4-10, but adults have also enjoyed my audios. Connects to the greatest Deliverer -Saviour- the Lord Jesus and gives the Gospel.

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